
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coupling - The Chemical Equation

Human behavior is one of the most interesting subjects for scrutiny.

With the new “addition” to my life, I am exploring finer aspects of couple psyche by drawing parallels to stuff familiar to me.

How often have you heard “ Nice couple, great chemistry”? ..Here’s an correlation of chemistry with relations :-)
Draw parallels between Human Reactions and Chemical Reactions and you’ll be amused at the familiarity they both have.

Organic chemistry describes Coupling as a reaction :-) Well it sure is ! The effects of which drill down slow on humans but on hydrocarbons it is quicker with metal catalysts.

As for us humans, coupling has many triggers – attraction, peer pressure, parents(yeah, they can drive us into coupling as well – does arrange marriage ring a bell?? ), boredom( for some..why not eh? ) , etc

Some of the chemical equations are queerly and if you may perceive it in a way, then humorously similar to the equations between couples…

Just a disclaimer, the events described are purely coincidental and bear no resemblance to any couple living or dead.. (trust me!)

Spontaneous reaction can proceed without being driven by an outside source of energy

What it means for us : Remember those days where you and better half are so freakin bored with monotony that you pick up a fight just to spice things up ? (Denial ? Well ..ask yourself you may have done it sub-consciously once in while ..Umm, are you smiling?? )

Acid based reactions: Acids are donors and base acceptors resulting in alkaline /neutral elements

What it means for us : Only 1 among the couple is on fire. The other one realizes the sensitivity of the situation and keeps mum..Some things are better left unsaid, aint it.. ? :-)

Catalysis : Reaction does not proceed directly but through a third substance - catalyst.

What it means for us : Entry in-laws, ex-girl, many external factors can trigger as catalysts…Beware these lead to quick and irreversible reactions, even in chemistry.

Nuclear reactions : Reactions where a nucleus splits into smaller parts and results in radioactive decay , gives nuclear power enough to make a nuclear explosion!!

What it means for us : These are weapons of mass destruction, brain-splitting conversations which results in worthless conclusions and brain-drain..And ample waste of energy..

Nuclear chain reaction : Nuclear fission, neutron splits and triggers an event of reactions

What it means for us : Husband talks ..Wife snaps back, Husbands snaps back too.. …yeah ..Chain reaction..

Most chemical reactions are reversible.. ..Ahem such is not the case with human reactions. So be careful of which reaction you trigger, have fun, keep laughing and dont bother much...


Sharmistha said...

Newly married hoke bhi bahut mast analysis hai marriage life ka.. 3 years down for me and I cannot but agree that your analysis is 100% right.. but the way you have put it made it more interesting..

Shubhra said...

@Sharmi, this is not a factual analysis..just pure entertainment :-)

Scarface said...

Good anology !!!